Tuesday, June 2, 2015

24. "A Rush of Blood To The Head"- Coldplay

I think it is fitting to begin with the first CD I ever I bought for myself. Having first heard of it from a 7th grade classmate, who I always assumed in turn heard of it from his older brother, I was intrigued by what I perceived to be an “instant classic” quality to the album. I am happy to say that what I love most about this album are the characteristics that have only presented themselves because of the passing of time.

Sure at first was I was struck by its ability to be sweeping in sonic nature. To have grand expanses of instrumentation in “In My Place” and have a guitar and piano co-lead in “The Scientist.” But now, it is the full album that I return to with joy. I see it as a listening experience characterized by an uplifting, triumphant first half and a second half that it is at times is sad and slightly defeated. Also, as much as Chris Martin is discovering his full range of emotion, his band mates are finding theirs in terms of playing ability. As the tour that would follow proved, they were able to combine both together for a truly original music experience. (Something I only got to experience with the live album released from the tour, “Coldplay Live 2003”)

Of all the songs in this countdown, these are the ones I have been listening to the longest. Like I just said, it is the first half singles that first drew me to it. I can remember clearly, slowly discovering the songs that follow, one by one, as I allowed myself to listen little more. I was being given glimpses into emotional moments I only hoped to experience. Also, with each song, I was discovering more and more why I loved Coldplay. They were able to create music that I could wrap myself in. It was all encompassing. For me, it always felt like a soft blanket. Now, some folks would argue, that makes it weak or wimpy. I just think of it as complete. It is so thorough; it has a texture to it. And as someone with heightened sensory awareness and as a result, at times, I become overwhelmed and tired from life, it is nice to have some comfort music. My junior year of high school, after a period of four days that included a license test, a Model Senate conference, State Science Fair, the SATs, and Junior Prom, I found myself wrapped up in a blanket with both the ceiling fan and this album on for the afternoon.

This album has always been one I listened to. Still, in the CD boombox in the bathroom of my Dad’s house, there is a burnt copy that serves as a go-to for the soundtrack to getting ready. It has filled the air on plenty of summer afternoons. It is this long history that truly endears me to these eleven songs. Together, they have been a touchstone throughout my life. I can listen to them and connect back to different parts of myself. Most importantly, a specific part of myself that I today take a lot of pride in: the desire to have music in my life. Something in me moved me to buy that first CD and I am glad I still have it today.